Letter Writing Contest
Write a letter to Tom Pace, Author of "Mentor: The Kid & The CEO."
For a chance to win $5,000
Each year, we host three contests for the best-written letter to Tom Pace about his book, “Mentor: The Kid & The CEO.”
Share what you’ve learned from the book, the actions you've taken since reading it,
and the impact it has had on your life.
The FIRST deadline for entry is: April 5th
The WINNER will be announced: April 25th
The SECOND deadline for entry is: August 5th
The WINNER will be announced: August 25th
The THIRD deadline for entry is: December 5th
The WINNER will be announced: December 25th
You can mail your letter to:
World Book Bank Best Letter Contest
5915 NW 23rd St Oklahoma City, Ok 73127
Be sure to include your contact information and where you got the book.
You can email your letter to
If you have any questions please email info@worldbookbank.org
Or call
Letters submitted may be used for
promotional and advertising purposes
on multiple platforms.
Winners Circle
"This book inspired me to learn more; to realize I have control outside of these things. It shows how drastic changes come in both positive and negative ways. It only takes one poor decision to erupt one's life into chaos and several good ones with infinite work to fix it."
"Reading The Mentor over reminded me that life is meant to have twists and turns. Tony made it out of jail and got himself right enough to help Malcom in his greatest need. My family would not be the way it is now without the core messages. Its inspired me to want to do better and be better just like how my dad did."
"I now want to prove to myself every day I can continue to make my life better. To be healthier and to honor the memory of my mother. I thank Tom Pace for showing me a chance and creating an environment where people can grow. Its fundamentally changed me in ways that are hard to convey through words."
"I will never forget what stood out so much from the book: When the Mentor said 'People With Self-Esteem Do Esteemable Things', that statement literally changed my life and the way I thought about life in general."
"The book list helped me grow then and is still aiding my growth now. I continue to read books weekly in my freedom that have been suggested by Tom Pace."
"My life is a testament to the fact that we are not defined by our lowest moments but by our willingness to reach for something greater."
"The day I discovered "Mentor: The Kid & The CEO by Tom Pace, little did I know that day would change my life forever."
"This book inspired me to dream. It showed me how to dream, how to create a specific dream list and how to achieve everything on it"
"My whole perspective of reading books has changed because now I see how just one book can change your life"
Mentor: The Kid & The CEO
"I’m not sure what clicked this time, but something changed when I read it the second time. I was finally ready to listen."
Mentor: The Kid & The CEO
We welcome your feedback, ideas, comments, questions, or concerns.
If you would like to request books for your organization, please visit the Request Books page and fill out the form.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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All Rights Reserved | World Book Bank, Inc.
Site by NetPro Consulting