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A stack of letters tied with a blue ribbon

Below are excerpts from the heartfelt letters we receive weekly from inmates and students whose lives have been touched by the books we gift them.

Each letter serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of reading. It’s an incredible feeling to know that by providing access to these books, we are not just offering knowledge—we are giving individuals the tools for personal growth, reflection, and change.

Seeing how these books inspire hope and encourage positive life shifts in those who need it most reinforces the profound impact we can have in shaping brighter futures.

Meet Austin

Austin’s journey has come full circle—from discovering a book of hope during a difficult time to now working directly with World Book Bank. Once on the receiving end, he now delivers those same books to community support facilities, empowering others with knowledge and inspiration for a brighter future.

Meet Dave

Dave donates to World Book Bank to ensure "Alcoholics Anonymous" books reach individuals in recovery programs and support meetings across Oklahoma. Having overcome his own struggles, he now dedicates his time to sharing his story and offering hope to those feeling trapped in a relentless cycle.

More Impactful Testimonies

John Doe's Image
Tom, your book The Mentor the Kid & the CEO and Think & Grow Rich are the best things that have ever come across me. Thank you these books are life savers!


John Doe's Image
I noticed on the back of my copy of the powerful book The Purpose Driven Life that these were donated by your family. What an awesome act of love. Thank you for caring so much for perfect strangers. Thank you for your part in this life changing ministry. Just now, I stopped writing & prayed a blessing over your family.

Your Grateful Brother in Christ.

John Doe's Image
I can not tell you what the book Mentor the Kid & the CEO has done for me. It gives me hope, desire, faith, and strength that there are people that wanna help, and want to see people succeed that haven’t always chose to.


John Doe's Image
I wanted to thank you for the impact you've had on more lives than you realize. The Purpose Drive Life book provided by your family led me to a dedication and service to the Lord I didn't think I'd have otherwise found.


John Doe's Image
It's such an amazing thing when you apply what you have learned and see it transform others right before your eyes. I have passed your book on to 5 younger guys I’ve been mentoring to while incarcerated, and had others come up to me inquiring about what was going on and they wanted copies of the book also, you would have thought I was writing checks the way they swarm at me about these books LOL!


John Doe's Image
I recently ran into a AA book first addition reprint. I can't tell you how much this books means to me. I remember my early 20's when I was sober in AA making progress in my life.
Robert- Harris County Jail

Robert Harris County Jail

John Doe's Image
This book “The Science of Getting Rich” I now call "the Bible of Life” has set me free in my thinking. And the creativity I hold in my soul. Thanks to this book “I’ve seen the LIGHT” so to speak. I am so grateful to have experienced this book. Nothing can stop me now.


John Doe's Image
I was blessed with a book called "Purpose Driven Life" that truly touched my life in so many ways through Christ Jesus. I thank God for people like you who make it possible for people like me to get Blessings like books.
Brenton - Jackson State Prison

Brenton- Jackson State Prison

John Doe's Image
The book Mentor is amazing! I read it and now Im reading it again. Thank you for the encouragement to grow and help other inmates!


John Doe's Image
I just wanted to thank you for your precious gift. I am reading Purpose Driven Life that was donated by your family. Your gift found me at the lowest point of my life, in a lock down unit at High Desert Prison. It has helped me so much given me new hope and teaching me so much. The lord keeps blessing me with little gifts to show me he is with me
Lonnie- High Desert State Prison

Lonnie - High Desert State Prison

John Doe's Image
I had no relationship with God. I thought he had turned his back on me. After reading Purpose Driven Life Mentor: The Kid & The CEO I am learning to forgive not only others but myself.


John Doe's Image
I just wanted to write you and thank you for writing "Mentor: The Kid & The CEO" it was just the kick in the butt I needed. It lit the fire for me to get back in my bible and seek Jesus again. I had turned my back on him, so thank you again.

Travis-Gloucester Co Jail

"I’m not sure what clicked this time, but something changed when I read it the second time. I was finally ready to listen."


John Doe's Image
"My whole perspective of reading books has changed because now I see how just one book can change your life"- Jael


John Doe's Image
" I can see it working. I have faith I can make it when I parole and never be incarcerated again. I am learning more about myself and my resolve to change."


John Doe's Image
I am completely Thankful for your gift "The Science of Getting Rich" by W.D. Wattles, really caught my eye. Still not done reading it but Thank you!

Christopher M.

John Doe's Image
I read Try giving yourself away by David Dunn. I learned that true happiness doesn't come from the things we earn or the success we obtain. It comes from selflessly taking the precious time helping make the world more positive and peaceful one opportunity at a time.


John Doe's Image
I highly enjoyed reading " Try Giving Yourself Away" I've had a good life but many regrets I don't want to take to my grave. I feel there is alot of myself left to give "as the book says" and it gave me alot of inspiration. I have a desire to make money so I can give it away and help others.

Brian M

John Doe's Image
I'd like to say how refreshing it is to find a person who shows concern for the inmate population as a whole across this country. I have read " Mentor: The Kid & The CEO & Think and Grow Rich. Both of those books were very inspiring to read.

Alan D.

John Doe's Image
The literature that you produce & recirculate have been a tremendous help on my journey to find my purpose and has enriched my self-worth and has brought me closer to my Father & Creator than I ever been. Closer than I ever thought possible. It is truly an ecstatic feeling.


John Doe's Image
"My Kids and I have started picking 5 things from "The List" every day that we can commit to doing or being" (pg. 160-166 Mentor: The Kid & The CEO.
"I have work ahead of me but you've given me the blueprint for this tear down & Rebuild I call My Life"


John Doe's Image
"After reading Science of Getting Rich I am ready to start my life. I am ready to take care of my family. I am ready to be the husband and father God intended me to be.
Thank you and God bless you.


John Doe's Image
I read the Purpose Driven Life. It caught my attention as nothing has before. I'm now willing to reopen my life, heart and soul to Jesus who went to the cross to pay my debt that I was not able to pay.

Edward J.

John Doe's Image
"Mentor: The Kid & The CEO has inspired me to hone in on what I truly want out of life. I am terrified but I'm strong and I am building my relationship with God. For the first time in 7 years I'm ready to educate myself and feel I can face life head on.

Daniel B

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